Terms of Service
I accept personal data treatment for booking purposes and contacts related to my bookings.
The entity responsible for personal data treatment is the hotel that asked personal data for business execution though e-GDS® Platform.
For the treatment of personal data is considered the entity subcontractor “XYZT - Computação Gráfica, S.A” which developed and manages the e-GDS® – Global Distribution Solutions platform.
The personal data collected in this platform are intended for the normal business execution of the entity responsible for data processing, namely, making reservations and contacts associated with reservations, and are not available and/or disclosed to any other entity than those responsible for the above-mentioned treatment.
The collection of personal data obeys strict rules of necessity and pertinence. All mandatory fields are marked with asterisks upon achievement by the owners of the data.
The access to personal data by the entity responsible for processing data, is limited in a number of accesses, and restricted to the time necessary and single purpose of good performance of the contract/contacts.
Data owners have the right to access their personal data through a personal area and can correct, edit and delete them in the regulations accordance.
Any further clarification needs to be addressed, by email.